Übersetzen Sie das Wort “REMOVED”, Adresse Englisch -> Deutsche




distant from remote from disconnected from unrelated to unconnected to alien to foreign to outside of


He simply removed his glove and felt the body bag with his bare hand.

Along with the warrior who is dishonorably removed from the Rite.

”Rew watched in surprise as the spellcaster removed a small, silver box from within his robes and opened it.

A life-support unit shaped like a pod was filled with artificial amniotic fluid, and the baby that had been safely removed from the womb of its brain-dead mother was curled up asleep inside.

“This is not a simple accident,” Heffi removed Croutier’s hand firmly.

The soldiers had already removed loose crates and other combustibles from around the warehouse.

He removed one of the cuffs and showed it to Sam.

Sam groped around for his backpack with his left hand and removed a hematic grenade.

When they found one, Rew laid Zaine in the bed, removed her boots, and paused.

He was going to fantasize about those triangular scraps and how she’d removed them underwater the entire drive to Saint Louis.

” Amelie opened her arms and removed a dreamcatcher from around Sam’s neck.