Woche |
His body was used to sleeping on the hard ground, but two weeks of near constant travel and now the incline up the mountain were taking a toll on even him.
I’ll see you in four weeks.
“That’s two weeks to get it there and two weeks to get a response back.
”“It would take two weeks to get a letter to Fedgley,” drawled Rew, leaning forward against the bars of the cell.
He has been fined for his naïvety, and will spend three weeks in the Drum, poor fellow.
She knew it only because she’d had little more to do during those initial weeks as High Fae than wander this palace like a ghost.
Within a few weeks I asked if she wanted to move in (she was having difficulties with a landlord dispute, I remember) and she agreed.
“Didn’t you question why your precious, perfect Rhysand has been a moody bastard for weeks?
In front of them, the grasslands stretched for weeks.
It was enough food to last the narjags several weeks.
“We can’t afford weeks of delay going back to Eastwatch,” declared Raif.