Übersetzen Sie das Wort “CIRCUMSTANCES”, Adresse Englisch -> Deutsche



circumstances trouble setup fuss background bother
conditions circumstances situation background
location position situation layer lay circumstances
situation circumstances state of affairs



situation conditions state of affairs position events turn of events incidents occurrences happenings factors context background environment context setting


Accusations flew back and forth between the two groups; the Karsans complaining they would never be in such dire circumstances without the Maceriyans.

Low magic can be just as effective when used in the right circumstances.

Under the circumstances I don’t think anyone who mattered would mind.

None of the rangers used such a blade on expedition, but over the years they’d accumulated a variety of armaments for training and emergency circumstances.

Under such circumstances mutual service usually leads to lasting friendship, but it did not work that way among these three.

She had the body of a climber, and her movements had the confidence of someone who’d done their share of scaling under stressful circumstances.

The drowned wore no uniform, being garbed only in the apparel they had sported in life, whether that remained as a full suit of clothes or was absent depended on the circumstances of their drowning and the length of their submersion.

It wasn’t odd that he only had one foot – more luck than anything that, under the circumstances – and it wasn’t odd that the Elemental Men treated him so well, not with all that flashy armour and those silks and the length of his braids.

He’d been granted authority to make his own decisions about when the letter of the law ought to be applied, and that authority existed regardless of the circumstances.

So not only were their circumstances different, but the values they held regarding the state differed too, and now more and more of them were second-generation preppers who had never even experienced the concept of a nation.

May we meet again under propitious circumstances.