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As he tried to protest, a man and a woman appeared flanking Die-Hardman’s left and right sides.

’ He took a deep breath.

The gondola ramp had been contrived with shapes and colours and contoured silver to look like a forked tongue, inviting them into the maw of a jade-fanged dragon.

Perhaps once there might have been a reason for it – perhaps a traitorous servant who had sabotaged a rider and made her armour fail.

” Raganse gave a thin, unpleasant smile.

Austere in decoration though it was, to her amazement there was not only a washbasin in the room, but also an unexpected luxury–most of the space was taken up by a deep ceramic bath set partially into the floor.

’ Chay-Liang shook her head, momentarily too puzzled to remember she was standing next to a corpse that talked back.

”But Rhys just walked to the little sitting area and slumped into a chair.

” He appeared thoughtful for a moment, his eyes lighting before he added, “Though I doubt that you’ll survive a lesson with him, when you can’t manage to walk down a hundred stairs without being so sore the next morning that you’re unable to get out of your chair.

Cleaning his longsword as best he was able, he sheathed it then moved back down the creek bed, stepping cautiously and pausing whenever he discovered a Dark Kind that still lived.

” A soft, warm breeze brushed past her legs, like a cat wending between them in warm greeting and farewell.