Übersetzen Sie das Wort “RARE”, Adresse Englisch -> Deutsche



rare uncommon infrequent unusual scarce
rare sparse
bloody gory rare sanguinary
thin skinny fine sparse flimsy weak
raw crude rough untreated uncooked rare
insane mad crazy terrific tremendous rare
indifferent inert inactive rare



infrequent scarce sparse few and far between thin on the ground like gold dust as scarce as hen's teeth occasional limited odd isolated unaccustomed unwonted


“Magic is rare amongst Illyrians, but when it does manifest, it requires Siphons to be controlled, filtered into something usable.

And when they’re finally home together, Netflix is their go-to rare date-night-in because they’re too exhausted to go out.

The bandits, corrupted Indians in part, mestizos mostly, are with rare exceptions small farmers, more peasants than farmers.

Dealing with matters such as your theft are a rare occurrence.

Cassian had heard the rumors of Helion’s rare pegasuses.

There, that stain on the old red couch: that was when he’d spilled his ale while the three of them were drunk out of their minds on their first solo night in this house at age sixteen—Rhys’s mother had been off in Velaris for a rare visit to her mate—and Cassian had been too stupid drunk to know how to clean it.

The mood hadn’t been helped by a rare red star blasting across the sky one day—an ill omen, Nesta had heard the priestesses muttering.

The courtier shuffled backwards, still bowed, his court shoes clopping on the floor of rare wood.

Cash was a rare thing among these Indian farmers living on the slopes of the Sierra and owning only poor ranches.

“There are some who venture into the outskirts two or three days from Eastwatch, but it’s rare anyone other than a ranger journeys this deep, so no, we haven’t built bridges, and this won’t be the only stream we need to cross.

They sure make the first guy that steps upon it rich, and in a short time, but even that is very rare.