Übersetzen Sie das Wort “PRESERVED”, Adresse Englisch -> Deutsche



preserved canned stored tinned potted



conserve protect maintain care for look after


People his father had killed, then carved out a square of skin, and pressed it in this thick book, and they’d been preserved.

Dan reads about her war skin, carefully preserved by the family.

A hint of the terrified expression on one child had been preserved.

It was a part of highway that had managed to escape destruction in the period following the Death Stranding, and that had been repaired and preserved as a symbol of revival.

Broken walls criss-crossed the pit, their decoration and mouldings preserved as shattered jigsaw puzzles.

Her legs bumped into metallic objects and bones, somehow preserved within the bog.

‘I saw the skin of that man your alchemist kept so carefully preserved.

Most of the aid consisted of preserved sperm and eggs.

The last remnants of the old world that had once been preserved here, like the road and the gas station, were now at the mercy of the timefall and doomed to rot and crumble away.

A melange of smells rose from his preserved corpse, heavy perfume failed to mask smoked meat.

He knew every scratch and splinter, every dent and burn mark, all of it preserved with magic.