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noon midday lunch break lunch hour



midday twelve o'clock twelve hundred hours twelve noon high noon noon hour noonday noontime noontide


8It was noon when Dobbs and Moulton reached the opposite bank of the river, which was crowded with tankers coming from or going to all parts of the world.

They roared and sang and stamped their feet as a palanquin bearing a brazen figure emerged into the white light of the noon.

He said: “It’s noon in this part of the world.

At noon they stopped to give themselves and the animals a rest, as the sun was mercilessly hot.

“We train each morning, from nine to eleven, though we sometimes run until noon.

Her quarters in the tower would be stifling by noon.

By the time the last and smallest of the clans had twirled their way to their place it was noon.

You should have been back by noon.

With many oaths and kicks Dobbs finally succeeded in his task, but much time had been lost and it was now near noon.

Six days out of seven he’s drinking by noon anyway.

They had planned to leave at noon because of traffic, and that gave Raheem almost two good hours to get his dick wet one last time.