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people folk nation public populace crowd



country sovereign state state land realm kingdom republic fatherland motherland people race


A new nation for a new world—the United Cities of America.

To the citizens of this new nation it was like their new president was speaking in front of their very faces.

Why should he, the little feller, the ordinary citizen, be honest if the big ones knew no scruples and no honesty, either in their business or in the affairs of the nation.

Before the days of glimmer engines and factories, Karsa had been an agrarian nation.

He’ll serve as the foundation of a new communications network—a sacrifice for a nation that no longer exists,” John hurriedly explained.

Everyone there was filthy, grey from head to foot with ash, their nation and race unguessable.

“They go against every principle of Karsan free enterprise, the very virtues that have made this nation great!

“That hell of a government is confiscating all the oil, declaring all oil land the property of the nation.

5The government considered it its foremost duty to hunt down these murderers who in the face of the whole civilized world had besmirched the honor and the name of a civilized nation just then mistrusted and detested everywhere.

The pen that had immortalized the pledges of the founding of this nation had survived, would continue to survive—to commit the future dreams of the nation to paper, too.

Today, we come together to celebrate the birth of a new nation.