Übersetzen Sie das Wort “MI”, Adresse Englisch -> Deutsche



“A sus ordenes, mi capitan!

“Listo, mi coronel, ready,” they say.

“You said it, mi jefe, I certainly do.

“To tell you the truth, por el alma de mi madre, and cross my heart, senor alcalde, we bought the burros only two days ago from those Amencanos.

”“We have our house and our piece of land, our milpa, in Mezquital, mi jefe.

”He steered her to the colonnades of the Light and Power building, ordered a sundae for her, patted her on the back, and said: “Just wait here, mi dulce, I won’t be long, only a few minutes, no mas que unos minutos, sure.

But I know mi tierra, my country where I was born, and I know well what is a tiger and what is not.

Then he noticed that these two men were deadly serious, so he said to the dame: “Perdone me, shiucksy dear, mi vida, I’ve got some business to attend to with these two gentlemen.

”“Yes, mi capitan!

”“Gracias, mi capitan!