Übersetzen Sie das Wort “JUTTING”, Adresse Englisch -> Deutsche



jut out jut protrude
jut out jut project protrude stand out
project protrude jut out jut stick out obtrude



protruding sticking projected projecting sticking out relieved


stick out project protrude bulge out overhang


”Gwyn snickered, her attention fixed on tying a length of white silk ribbon to a wood beam jutting from the side of the pit.

After that, the ground became rugged, not just scattered bits of rock but boulders jutting out of the earth and patches of raw stone that they had to scamper across, leaning against the slope so they didn’t slide hundreds of paces back down.

There’s a storage area with a slanted roof jutting out from the wall, between the kitchen and the bathroom windows.

And dried out further as she beheld what lay across the river, caught on a fallen tree jutting from the rocky bank directly before the plunge to the falls.

He glanced to the side to see a spear jutting from the cliff face.

She’d braided her hair over her head in her usual style, but atop it, a delicate tiara of glinting black stone rested, slender spikes jutting upward in a dark corona.

The trees were petrified, jutting out of the desert as if placed there by a sculptor.

It was jutting out of the tar.

The mountain itself held two peaks at its very top, and the stones jutting from its sides were carved in strange, ancient symbols, as old as the song itself.

Only when he was naked, kneeling between her legs, his cock jutting forward, did he say, “Do you want my fingers, my tongue, or my cock, Nesta?

The Visonda was built on an outcrop of rock jutting from the base of the mountain.