Übersetzen Sie das Wort “GREETING”, Adresse Englisch -> Deutsche



greeting greetings salute regards salutation
greeting welcome salutation welcoming greetings
receiving reception receipt reception desk greeting



hello salute salutation address welcome acknowledgment


say hello to address salute hail welcome meet receive


No sooner did the soldiers come near the main building than they received a good greeting of bullets from all directions.

Another hooded priestess drifted by, and offered Nesta a bob of the chin in greeting.

The long, sparse plumes on his head rose in greeting and he bobbed his head.

Cassian could only assume she was watching his brother, who had given Gwyn a small smile of greeting upon arrival.

Not one was alterable, whether it be the greeting of the sun, or the disgusting trophies the man eater clans bore.

It did little to clear the taste of the drink from his teeth and tongue, but he dared not fetch his toilet kit from his saddlebags to brush his teeth while the greeting of the sun was underway.

” Cassian said to Nesta by way of greeting as he stalked into the entry hall.

Rex nudged his chin in greeting and winked.

After that the night was over fast, and he woke with a throbbing head in the blue predawn to the trumpeting calls of the modalmen; a couple of dozen greeting the dawn in the desert had been loud, a valley full nearly killed him with fright.

Elain’s breath caught slightly, and she gave him a shallow nod of greeting before brushing past, leading Nesta into the room.

” A soft, warm breeze brushed past her legs, like a cat wending between them in warm greeting and farewell.