Übersetzen Sie das Wort “DECIDUA”, Adresse Englisch -> Deutsche



One mechanism by which microorganisms might cause preterm labor is through ascension from the cervical/vaginal area and replication in the placenta, decidua and membranes.

The tissue is sent to the laboratory where the fetal villi are dissected from the maternal decidua and either processed directly or cultured for chromosomal, DNA or biochemical analysis.

There were large amounts of polarizable foreign body material contained within the membranes and maternal decidua , without associated inflammation or tissue reaction.

Extreme care is used in inspecting the placenta and membranes in an effort to insure complete expression of the entire decidua .

Ectopic decidua was found in 3% of the specimens and could be seen in both subserosal and plical areas, and was found only in postpartum patients.