Übersetzen Sie das Wort “CLERK”, Adresse Englisch -> Deutsche



writer recorder scribe clerk secretary author
seller vendor salesman salesperson clerk shop assistant
officer official civil servant
office worker white-collar worker clerk nine-to-fiver
cashier teller clerk treasurer
secretary clerk



office worker clerical worker administrator bookkeeper cashier teller pencil pusher paper-shuffler scrivener


”Four Ishmalani, including First Mariner Volozeranetz, Boatswain Drentz and Helmsman Tolpoleznaen waited in the hold along with Trassan’s clerk Godelwind; Toberan and Dellion, the sole marines in fighting condition; Ollens, Trassan’s chief engineer, and the Tyn cook, Charvolay.

The clerk had only to call into the patio, where always, day or night, a score of guests were hanging around.

”The clerk took up the register and wrote: “Jobbs,” because he had not caught the name and was too polite to ask again.

All other information concerning a patron, his nationality, his profession, his home town, was of no interest to the clerk or to the police, who never came to inspect the register except when looking for a criminal.

Whoever passed by the window, the clerk on duty knew instantly whether he had paid or not.

At the Bristol Hotel, where he usually lived, the clerk knew nothing about him.

In the room where the clerk had his little desk there was also a safe in which the patrons’ valuables were kept, such as cash, documents, watches, rings, and instruments.

“The front desk clerk said we’re in the clear, but I’ll keep an eye on the weather if you want to take a shower and warm up,” he said.

Who was to vouch for the character of the clerk in the government’s office?

Your mistake, mister, for he could wallop any tough sailor who opened his swear-hold farther than was considered decent by the clerk.

Often the clerk had forgotten to ask for the name of the owner, or the man had come in drunk and unable to remember his name.