Vogel |
Biene |
The enormous bird that was tearing through the sky and causing the deafening roar above was an airplane.
”They stopped under a tree and looked up as if they saw something very interesting in its branches—a strange bird or fruit.
The Cauldron struggled like a bird under a cat’s paw.
But if I eat the flower, it is no longer beautiful, and if I put the singing bird into a frying-pan, I can no more enjoy his sweet song.
The soldier puffed his chest out like a bird standing over his nest, his hand still on his broadsword, his shoulders working like he was winding himself up.
Gwyn’s voice soared like a bird through the cavern as she started the third song with a solo, and Nesta closed her eyes, leaning into the music, shutting out one sense in order to luxuriate in the sound of her friend.
Baby Brother had never jacked nobody for their car or knocked a bird on her ass.
Hissenwar noticed Filden follow his glance, and cast a handkerchief over the bird.
Joy felt like a scared bird deliberating its first flight.
Damned her into transforming each dawn into a bird of fire and ash.
He kept high enough that breathing was difficult, so high that he’d appear no more than a very large bird to any human on the ground.